7 C's in God's Eternal Plan.
Rejection Of God's Word Led To Confusion.
So the water recedes, the ark
settles on dry land and Noah and his family leave the ark so now what?
God told them to replenish the earth and over many years the
population grew and grew. Here again, man defied God's command. When he told
them to replenish the earth he meant for them to spread out over the earth but
they stayed in one area and this is where they got into trouble. As they moved
they were of one language and a common speech. They said let’s build a tower up
into the heavens so we won’t be scattered. In Genesis 10 verse 5, 6 and 7
indicate that the “Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men
were building. The Lord said, if as one people speaking the same language they
have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for
them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not
understand each other." The work on the great tower was stopped. Why did
the work stop? God confused their language so they could not communicate with
each other. The way God Confused their language he simply created several new languages. Can you imagine the confusion and frustration that must have existed?
As we see in Genesis 11: verse 9 " Therefore its name is called Babel,
because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there
the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth." Apparently those that could understand each other stayed together and moved on to other places.This
explains why we speak so many different languages and how this tower came to be
called “The Tower of Babel." In addition languages have changed and are still changing. As God dispersed the people from Babel they went to all points of the
earth. Some walked, some went by boat, others rode various animals pulling
charts, etc. One of the most interesting items out of this dispersal is that the
people took their history and customs with them. With this thought in mind you
find that there are hundreds of flood legend and they are similar in many
details. Also, they took as a part of their history, their building projects and knowledge of building.
For that reason we find ziggurat all around the world. Examples of these are
found in the Mayan Towers, Aztec, Chinese, Egyptian pyramids, and Native American
mounds. Another question or issue that comes up is the number of “races” we
have in the world. Wait through, there is only one race and that is the human
race. It started with Adam & Eve (Genesis 3: verse 20 and 1 Cor. 15: verse 45)
who had sons and daughters (Genesis 5: verse 4). Noah & Sons (Genesis 9:
verses 17 – 19), people at the tower of babel (Genesis 11: verses 8 - 9 and
Acts 17: verse 26). So you see we have one race (human) made up of different people
groups and customs. Then you say but why do we look different in skin colors,
body size, shapes, etc.? As people migrated changes occurred. But really it is
a matter of genetics. Looking back to Adam and Eve as explained by the Creation
Museum they had a lot of genetic variety in their DNA and they had the genetics for light
and really dark skin then it is possible in one generation they could have
produced children who were very light skinned, slightly darker skin, light dark
skin and very dark skin. There are examples of this today where one parent is
light and the other darker have children who are light and dark skin. Perhaps
this is the next question that comes up (other than race) and that is what makes
the skin dark. It is Melanin. If you have less melanin you are lighter skinned.
From less to more you have numerous shades or skin tones in between. The amount
Melanin we have is passed on to us and by us through genetics. Just as there is
only one race there is only one color with various shades of skin tones.
Into this discussion the
evolutionist throw in the “missing link” or the “ape man”. There is no missing
link. There is either an ape or a human. Still the supporters of the missing
link theory take parts of a human and parts of an ape and try to fit them
together and make them appear as human (a missing link). Think back to the
earlier discussion of “Lucy”. God created all things after its “kind”. The
kicker to this whole concept is that all these bones are found in
rocks/sediment laid down by the flood and that Noah was around at the time of
the flood so how could the bones be parts of a missing link when Noah a human
was already around.
Another point to consider is the decedents
of the people who dispersed out of Babel. We found earlier that some may have
gone by boat or walked. Most Creationists believe there was an ice age
following the flood. Assuming this happened you find that much of water of the
seas was placed on the land in the form of snow and ice causing the lowering of
the sea level and thus permitting people to walk to some areas they could not
otherwise have access to. This may have permitted people to walk on land bridges
to the Americas, Japan, Australia, etc. Certainly, at that time the ability to
build sea worthy boats was present to allow the transit across the seas. Now lets look at some photographs of various exhibits concerning 'Confusion".

God Scatters The Nations
Human Religion
Rebuilding Civilization
The Scattered Nations Survived
Babel Explains Our Differences. From The Three Sons Of Noah The Whole Earth Was Overspread.
Different Languages Created By God
Descendants Of Shem Move Out Of Babel. Different Nations.
Enlargement Of Descendants Of Shem Move Out Of Babel. Different Nations.
Descendants Of Ham Move Out Of Babel.
Descendants Of Japheth Move Out Of Babel.
Enlargement Of Different Nations
Enlargement Of Different Nations
God's Promise To The Nations. These Promises Are Given In The Small Portrayal Above.
The Top Row Sets Forth The Judgement Of The Nations Reading Left To Right. The Next Row Reading Left To Right Sets Forth Blessings Of Nations. The Bottom Row Reading Left To Right Sets Forth God's Seed. In The Following 20 Or So Photographs I Have Enlarged Each Of These So You Can See And Read Them. I Realize This Gets A Little Busy As You Follow Along But This Is An Excellent Synopsis Of God's Promises.
Enlargement of God's Promise To The Nations
Adam & Eve - First Family
Noah's World -- God Judged The Wickedness Of The World

God Judged Man's Rebellion At Babel

God Judged Pharaoh For Refusing To Free The Hebrew Nation. God Also Used Assyria
To Judge Other Nations (See 2 Kings 19:25)

God Used Babylon To Judge Other Nations (See Jeremiah 27:6).

God Prophesied That Persia Would Judge Other Nations (See Isaiah 45: 1).

God Prophesied That Greece Would Judge Other Nations (See Daniel 2:39).

God Prophesied That Rome Would Judge Other Nations (See Daniel 2:40).
The Following Photographs Are Enlargement From The Second Row Which Covers
God's Blessings Of Nations

God Provided A Covering For Mankind's Sins (See Genesis 3:21).

God Assured Noah And His Sons That He Would Never Again Destroy The Earth In A Worldwide Flood. (See Genesis 9:11). Notice The Rainbow,In Top Left Of Photograph.

God Promised To To Bless Abraham" (See Genesis 12:2 - 3).

God Sent Joseph To Save Egypt From Coming Famine. (See Genesis 41:54).

God Sent Jonah To Save Assyria's Capital City. (See Jonah 3:5,10).

As God Prophesied, The Hebrews Won Independence From A Wicked King. (See
Daniel 11:33).

As God Prophesied, A Messenger Came and Prepared The Way For The Seed To
Bless All Nations." (See Malachi 3:1).
The following photographs are enlargement of the third line which dealt with "(God's Seed Promised to the Nations)"
God Judged Man's Rebellion At Babel
God Judged Pharaoh For Refusing To Free The Hebrew Nation. God Also Used Assyria
To Judge Other Nations (See 2 Kings 19:25)
God Used Babylon To Judge Other Nations (See Jeremiah 27:6).
God Prophesied That Persia Would Judge Other Nations (See Isaiah 45: 1).
God Prophesied That Greece Would Judge Other Nations (See Daniel 2:39).
God Prophesied That Rome Would Judge Other Nations (See Daniel 2:40).
The Following Photographs Are Enlargement From The Second Row Which Covers
God's Blessings Of Nations
God Provided A Covering For Mankind's Sins (See Genesis 3:21).
God Assured Noah And His Sons That He Would Never Again Destroy The Earth In A Worldwide Flood. (See Genesis 9:11). Notice The Rainbow,In Top Left Of Photograph.
God Promised To To Bless Abraham" (See Genesis 12:2 - 3).
God Sent Joseph To Save Egypt From Coming Famine. (See Genesis 41:54).
God Sent Jonah To Save Assyria's Capital City. (See Jonah 3:5,10).
As God Prophesied, The Hebrews Won Independence From A Wicked King. (See
Daniel 11:33).
As God Prophesied, A Messenger Came and Prepared The Way For The Seed To
Bless All Nations." (See Malachi 3:1).
The following photographs are enlargement of the third line which dealt with "(God's Seed Promised to the Nations)"
God Preserved The Seed Promised To Adam And Eve.
God Preserved The Seed Promised To Noah.
God Preserved The Seed Promised To Abraham.
God Promised That The Seed Would Be A Prophet.
God Promised That The Seed Would Be A King And Priest.
God Promised That The Seed Would Be The Mighty God.
Baby Jesus
So in summary of the “4th C” Confusion we have the explanation of why we speak different languages and look different. We had an explanation of why we Ziggurat /mounds/pyramids around the world and explanation of how we are all related and are one race to Noah and Adam and that we are all in need of a savior.
This brings us to the 5th ”C” in God's Eternal Plan, "Christ" which will be covered in the next posting.
Christ The Promise Of God's Word.
Until then remember That God Loves you so much that he sent His Son Jesus to live a sinless life and to die on the cross for each of us so that if we will confess our sins and receive him as our saviour we will live with Him in Heaven forever and I also love you.
Grandpa Bill