After a good nights rest, meal and family talk I left Johnson, Arkansas at 8:30 A. M. for a short 2 hour+ drive to Tulsa, Oklahoma where I will spend a few days with my daughter Jamie and her family. This is a beautiful drive through rolling hills and farmland. Years ago this was a 3 hour drive over a narrow 2 lane road which was extremely hilly with many sharp curves and was very dangerous. If you happened to get stuck behind a large truck you might just be there for awhile. Many people caused serious accidents trying to pass and forced the truck off the road and themselves into a ditch.
Jamie helped me with the blog. As you know I was without internet service at my brothers home and got behind several days on the blog. Mike ( my grandson ) did the basic work of setting up the blog but I left on this trip before he had time to do any thing further. Jamie helped with the formatting of the blog, how to insert photographs, etc. Now don't be to hard on old Grandpa Bill because he has been drug into the high tech arena kicking and screeming all the way. He has kind of had the opinion of like the old saying "if God had meant for man to fly he would have given him wings ". This saying also applies to computers. Not being irrelivent just still maybe kicking a little.
Need to get some rest and will talk to you again later.
Blog looks great guys, where would we be without family. And grandpa you can take credit for it be very well written and intriguing