Christmas Rose
Christmas Rose
Almost Sunrise Christmas Morning
Christmas Tree With All The Presents
From Another Angle
Stocking Were Hung By The Chimney In Hopes That St Nick Would Come & He Did
Nut Cracker Decoration
Janice Preparing Breakfast
Beautiful Fruit
More Fruit
Grand Daughter Parisa Makes An Appearance
Taking Another Peak At The Presents
Presents Are Still Here
Nicku And Corey Have Arrived. Parisa And Corey Watch Bami Get The Camera Ready
Corey And Nicku Prepare To Put Their Presents Under The Tree.
One Final Look At The Tree

Janice Opens a Present
Janice Shows Some Of Her Presents
One Of My Presents Was In This Package That Looks Like a Book
Bami Shows One Of His Gifts
Janice Preparing Breakfast
Beautiful Fruit
More Fruit
Grand Daughter Parisa Makes An Appearance
Taking Another Peak At The Presents
Presents Are Still Here
Nicku And Corey Have Arrived. Parisa And Corey Watch Bami Get The Camera Ready
Corey And Nicku Prepare To Put Their Presents Under The Tree.
One Final Look At The Tree
Janice Opens a Present
Janice Shows Some Of Her Presents
One Of My Presents Was In This Package That Looks Like a Book
Bami Shows One Of His Gifts
Following opening of the gifts we sat around and talked while final preparation of the meal was made. It was a grand feast. Turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, orange cranberry sauce, green beans, Brussels sprouts, gravy, and of course dressing. We all waddle from the table. It was a glorious day and we all were thankful for the freedom we have in this country to gather and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season. I was especially thankful that God allowed me to come and spend Christmas with family here on the west coast. As Always remember that God loves you and so do I.
Comment: " Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you ". Deuteronomy 31: 6. NIV
Unless some big event happens this will be my last post for 2013. The Lord willing the next post will be from Oklahoma and or Texas In early January 2014.
Grandpa Bill
Great Post Dad! Great Photos! I love my roses in December. I love going out and cutting a small bouquet of them and taking them to my office and enjoying their delicate fragrance, when I know everyone else I know is buried under snow!
ReplyDeleteI must take a moment here and CONGRATULATE YOU!!!
It was just over one year ago that you were given this challenge to create this blog to document your travels and you have really scaled not only the mountains that rise out of the plains of these United States, but you have also scaled the mountain tops of technology! Just think of how much you have learned! There was a time when you did not know what a blog was and here you are now....a professional blogger! Who knew?
I Love You and I Am So Proud Of You!
Looks like you had a good day. We did too. Quiet and at home for once. We're off to another family gathering tonight. Lots of people waited for the weekend to come down. Heading over now. Love you dad!