Our motel in Grand Rapids Michigan
Road torn up between our motel and the President Ford Museum. We think this is the road we would have come own to find this motel.

Front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum

Fountain in Front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum

Eagle statue and it's reflection in front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum

Path leading into burial site of President and Mrs. Ford

Burial site of President and Mrs. Ford
Flower garden beside entrance to burial site of President and Mrs. Ford
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum
Fountain in Front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum
Eagle statue and it's reflection in front of President Gerald R. Ford Museum
Path leading into burial site of President and Mrs. Ford
Burial site of President and Mrs. Ford
Flower garden beside entrance to burial site of President and Mrs. Ford
Bible Verse in Burial Site of President and Mrs. Ford
40th Anniversary Greeting
Plaque About Japanese Maple Tree as a Gift From Japan
Three mounds believed to be Native Indian Burial mounds near entrance to President Gerald R.Ford Museum
Ah-Nab-Awen Bicentennial Park Plaque
NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader PlaqueEnlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
Enlargement of NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader Plaque
NISHNABE GEMAW Michigan Indian Leader
Next to President Ford Museum is the Grand Valley State University.
Statue of Noahqlageshik
Close up of Statue of Chief Noahqlageshik
This plaque tells about Chief Noahqlageshik
This Statue of Chief Noahqlageshik Was Done by Antonio Tobias Mendez
Bridge form west side to downtown Grand Rapid
Grand River Thru Grand Rapid . The West Side is on the Left and Downtown is on the Right.
You can see the Rapids in the Grand River.
You can see the Rapids in the Grand River.
Informational Map About West Side and Downtown Grand Rapid.
Inside This Circular Building is a Magnificent Merry-Go-Round
I could not get a clear shot because of the reflections in the glass which show some of downtown Grand Rapid.
In this one you can see me and the blue walking bride that takes you from the west side to downtown.
Looking straight across one of the rapids from President Ford Museum to downtown. The river through here is about 3 - 4 feet deep and very swift. There is a walking path on both sides of the river that is beauifully landscaped.
Grand River Through Grand Rapids With Walking Path on Both Sides.
After a rather unpleasant dinner at the motel last night Jim and I decided to forgo breakfast there so we walked across the Blue Bridge to downtown Grand Rapids and ate at a Panera Bread.The night before at the motel resturant we waited a long time to get waited on. Finally placed our order then waited another long time. Finally the waitress came and told us that the main ingredient in our meal was not available and the cook failed to tell her when she came on duty. We had to select another choice for our main meal. We could not understand why it took so long from the time we placed our order till the time the cook told her. She explained that she had to deliver a room service meal. You know you are in an establishment that is short of help when they only have one waitress for the evening meal and that person also has to take care of room service orders and deliveries. Following breakfast we walked back to the museum which was just opening for the day.
Looking From the River Toward the Museum.
Fountain in Front of Entrance of President Gerald R. Ford Museum
Beautiful Planting Around the Museum
Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance to the Museum.
Inscription on Base of Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance to the Museum.
Fountain in Front of Entrance of President Gerald R. Ford Museum
Inscription on Base of Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance
to the Museum.
to the Museum.
Inscription on Base of Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance
to the Museum.
to the Museum.
Inscription on Base of Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance
to the Museum.
to the Museum.
Jim by Statue of Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance to the Museum.
Grandpa Bill by Statue of President Gerald R. Ford at Entrance to the Museum.
A Portion of President Ford's Inaugural Address Aug. 9, 1974 Inscribed on the Wall in the Entrance to the Museum.
Jim Just Getting Ready to EnterThe Lobby of Museum
A Portion of the Lobby of the Museum
A Symbol of Freedom Plaque Inside the Lobby of the Museum
A portion of the Berlin Wall. To the left side of this photograph you can see the gift shop which had some nice items.
Presidential Seal On Wall Leading to the Second Floor
President Ford Statue as a Boy Scout
Plaque Honoring President Ford as a 14 Year Old Eagle Scout.
President Ford's Thought About Being A Scout
Beautiful Conference Room Off the Lobby of the Museum. Here You
Start Your Visit By Viewing A short Film About President Ford.
Bear Statue in Memory of George North Reynolds
Plaque Absolute Fearlessness
Inside Conference Room of the Presidential Ford Museum
Projection and Control Booth In Conference Room of the Presidential Ford Museum. When the Film is About Ready to Start the Lights dim
and the Drapes Close on the Windows.
Jim Taking A Photograph.
Jim Taking A Photograph Outside of The Ford Cabinet Room Which
You Enter From The Main Lobby.
Lt Jr Grade Arthur Ray Hawkins Served With the Navy Fighting
Squadron 31 Which Were Known as the "Flying Meat Axes".
Description of Lt Hawkins Action.
Lt. Gerald Ford Commanded a 40 MM Anti Aircraft Gun in 1943.
Description of 40 MM Bofor's Anti Aircraft Gun.

Pictured Below is Information About 40 MM Antiaircraft Gun Crew Member.
Jim Reads About Mark 14 Gunsight.
Description of Mark 14 Gun Sight of World War II
Mark 14 Gun Sight
Section of I-Beam Removed From The World Trade Center
Description of Section of I-beam Removed From The World Trade
The President's Meeting Room
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen
in The Large Photograph Above.President's Top Advisers At The
Table Inside The Meeting Room.
Description of The President's Meeting Room
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen in The Large Photograph Above. First West Wing Cabinet Room.
President Roosevelt Renovated The Present Cabinet Room.
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen
in The Large Photograph Above. Truman Being Sworn In Following Roosevelt's Death
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen in The Large Photograph Above. President Kennedy Meeting Here
During Cuban Crisis
The Replica of The Cabinet Room Donors
Replica of The Cabinet Room.This was a Most Interesting Feature of the Museum and one Which I Noticed Most People Missed. It was Also one Which was Very Time Consuming if you Participated in it. At Each Chair There was a Name Plate Which Told you which Cabinet Member sat There. There was a tablet on Which Were Written 3 or 4 Questions Which You Could Ask Each Cabinet Member. The Questions Were Numbered and you Pushed a Button Representing The Question you Wanted Answered. On the TV Screen on the Wall a Film Clip of That Person Would Appear and Answer Your Question. This was Neat and Like I Said it was Time Consuming. I Only did a Couple to see how it Worked.
Painting Of President Eisenhower in Cabinet Room
Now lets take a short look at the early life of Gerald Ford.
While in High School Ford Worked at the Ford Paint and Varnish Company Earning 40 Cent an Hour.
Enlargement of Above Posting
Fords Christening Gown and Shoes
Enlargement of Above
Rules to Live by in the Ford Household
Some Products of the Ford Paint and Varnish Company
See Below for Description
Jerry Ford in Grand Rapids Parade 1929

A Fateful Meeting. Ford Meets His Father.
Taking The Scout Oath
Taking The Scout Oath
Ford and Other Scouts Appointed Scout Guard of Honor
Ford Said There are two Kinds of Education you get
Ford's First Political Campaign. The Only one in 45 Years he Ever Lost.
In High School Ford Excelled in Sport and Developed a Philosophy of
his Essential Optimism.
The Wolverines University of Michigan
Enlargement of The Wolverines. The University of Michigan
Enlargement of The Wolverines The University of Michigan
We Can't Find any Thing Nasty to say About him

Yale Law School
Yale Law School Photograph
Noteable Persons in Ford's Class at Yale.
Betty Bloomer ( Betty Ford )
Enlargement of Information About Betty Bloomer
Following the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Following the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Following the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Some Information About Ford's Service in the Navy.
Ford Aboard The Monterey in the Phillipines Sea
South Pacific Warrior
End of Duty. Decorated and Lieutenant Commander
Man of the House. Ford Wins Election to House of Representatives
and They Move to Washington
Enlargement of Man of the House.
Enlargement of Man of the House.

The Growing Family

Enlargement of The Growing Family

Enlargement of The Growing Family

Enlargement of The Growing Family
Ford's Nomination Hearings
Ford's Nomination Hearings
Ford's Nomination Hearings
This is Going to Change our Whole Lives
Enlargement of This is Going to Change our Whole Lives. Ford
Learns of the Taped Conversations and Nixon's Involvement in
The Watergate Cover up.
Enlargement of This is Going to Change our Whole Lives
Final Days
"Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
Enlargement of "Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
Enlargement of "Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Pardon
Enlargement of Pardon
Enlargement of Pardon
Choosing a New Vice President

Rockefeller Nominated as Vice President
Rockefeller Confirmed as Vice President
Ford and Dole Run in 1976
Jimmy Carter Defeats Ford
Some of Ford Presidential 1976 Campaign Materials
Some of Ford Presidential 1976 Campaign Materials
Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Presidential Clemency Board
Enlargement of Presidential Clemency Board
Enlargement of Presidential Clemency Board
Actions Taken by President Ford. Debugging the White House
Actions Taken by President Ford.
Actions Taken by President Ford.Reforming the CIA
Actions Taken by President Ford.Reforming the CIA
Actions Taken by President Ford. Church Committee to Investigate Intelligence Activities.
Actions Taken by President Ford. Deregulating Oil
Actions Taken by President Ford. Aviation Act
Actions Taken by President Ford. Getting The Railroads Back on
Actions Taken by President Ford. Cutting Washington Red Tape
Actions Taken by President Ford. Need For Reform
The President Verses Congress
The President Verses Congress
Rising Unemployment
Ford to City: Drop Dead. New York City Sought Nearly 1 Billion
Dollars in Bail Out.
Times of Radical Change in Music, Movies and The Stop The War Movement.
Times of Great Musicals, Nixon Comes on the scene and the world
gets smaller.
Times of radical changes in dances, dress and hair styles. With four daughters this made me aware of the changes more so than ever. We had many family battles about the length of dresses and skirts as well as choice of music especially paying attention to the message the songs passed along.
A Time of Explosion of Drug Usage, Radical Actions and Free Love
Styles and Demonstrations Against the Government and War and Military.
Styles and Demonstrations
Great Changes in Technology Such as The Polaroid Camera. I Still
Have Mine.
Changes in Clothing Styles and Fabrics and Colors
Great Changes in How we Played Our Music. Change Was so Fast
You Could Not Keep up With it. You Bought Something New and
Before you Hardly Learned How To Use it it Was Out of Date. Also
the Format Changed Take for Example 8 - Track did not last long.
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972 But Because of Action Prior to The Election of November 1972 The Seeds of His Downfall Were Sown.
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972 And Shortly Later His Presidency Starts to Unravel.
The Watergate Break-in
Enlargement of The Watergate Break-in
Watergate And The White House. Nixon Accepts Responsibility But Denies Prior Knowledge.
Enlargement of Watergate And The White House. Nixon Accepts Responsibility But Denies Prior Knowledge.
One of The Tape Recorders Nixon Used to Record Conversation and Phone Calls in the Oval Office.
Evidence Revealed That All Presidential Meeting and Phone Calls
Were Recorded.
Enlargement of Evidence Revealed That All Presidential Meeting and Phone Calls Were Recorded.
The Saturday Night Massacre
Enlargement of The Saturday Night Massacre. Ford Wants Nixon to Proves His Innocence.
Enlargement of The Saturday Night Massacre. Nixon Released
Tapes to Federal Judge.
Things Get Worse as Vice President Spiro Agnew Resigns to Avoid Prosecution For Tax Evasion. Agnew was a Long Time Politician From Maryland.
Nixon Invites Ford to White House
Dad, The White House is Calling
Nixon Selects Ford as His New Vice President. See earlier discussion
of this and the following things that happened.
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
President Ford's Desk
Replica of Ford's/Nixon Desk
Chinese Vases
Chinese Vases
Space Shuttle Model
USS Constitution
USS Constitution
Eagle's Prey
Eagle's Prey
Oval Office Carpet
Oval Office Carpet
Flags Used in Ford's Oval Office
Flags Used in Ford's Oval Office
Desk Pen Set
Desk Pen Set
Bronco Buster
Bronco Buster
Bronco Buster
Ford Orders Evacuation of American From Saigon
New Mood at The White House
Just a Few of The Gifts Fit For A President
Gifts Fit For A President Belong to the American People.
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
Presidential Seal On Wall Leading to the Second Floor
President Ford Statue as a Boy Scout
Plaque Honoring President Ford as a 14 Year Old Eagle Scout.
President Ford's Thought About Being A Scout
Beautiful Conference Room Off the Lobby of the Museum. Here You
Start Your Visit By Viewing A short Film About President Ford.
Bear Statue in Memory of George North Reynolds
Plaque Absolute Fearlessness
Inside Conference Room of the Presidential Ford Museum
Projection and Control Booth In Conference Room of the Presidential Ford Museum. When the Film is About Ready to Start the Lights dim
and the Drapes Close on the Windows.
Jim Taking A Photograph.
You Enter From The Main Lobby.
Lt Jr Grade Arthur Ray Hawkins Served With the Navy Fighting
Squadron 31 Which Were Known as the "Flying Meat Axes".
Description of Lt Hawkins Action.
Lt. Gerald Ford Commanded a 40 MM Anti Aircraft Gun in 1943.
Description of 40 MM Bofor's Anti Aircraft Gun.
Pictured Below is Information About 40 MM Antiaircraft Gun Crew Member.
Jim Reads About Mark 14 Gunsight.
Description of Mark 14 Gun Sight of World War II
Mark 14 Gun Sight
Section of I-Beam Removed From The World Trade Center
Description of Section of I-beam Removed From The World Trade
The President's Meeting Room
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen
in The Large Photograph Above.President's Top Advisers At The
Table Inside The Meeting Room.
Description of The President's Meeting Room
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen in The Large Photograph Above. First West Wing Cabinet Room.
President Roosevelt Renovated The Present Cabinet Room.
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen
in The Large Photograph Above. Truman Being Sworn In Following Roosevelt's Death
Enlargement of Sections of The President's Meeting Room as Seen in The Large Photograph Above. President Kennedy Meeting Here
During Cuban Crisis
The Replica of The Cabinet Room Donors
Replica of The Cabinet Room.This was a Most Interesting Feature of the Museum and one Which I Noticed Most People Missed. It was Also one Which was Very Time Consuming if you Participated in it. At Each Chair There was a Name Plate Which Told you which Cabinet Member sat There. There was a tablet on Which Were Written 3 or 4 Questions Which You Could Ask Each Cabinet Member. The Questions Were Numbered and you Pushed a Button Representing The Question you Wanted Answered. On the TV Screen on the Wall a Film Clip of That Person Would Appear and Answer Your Question. This was Neat and Like I Said it was Time Consuming. I Only did a Couple to see how it Worked.
Painting Of President Eisenhower in Cabinet Room
Now lets take a short look at the early life of Gerald Ford.
While in High School Ford Worked at the Ford Paint and Varnish Company Earning 40 Cent an Hour.
Enlargement of Above Posting
Fords Christening Gown and Shoes
Enlargement of Above
Rules to Live by in the Ford Household
Some Products of the Ford Paint and Varnish Company
See Below for Description
Jerry Ford in Grand Rapids Parade 1929
A Fateful Meeting. Ford Meets His Father.
Taking The Scout Oath
Taking The Scout Oath
Ford and Other Scouts Appointed Scout Guard of Honor
Ford Said There are two Kinds of Education you get
Ford's First Political Campaign. The Only one in 45 Years he Ever Lost.
In High School Ford Excelled in Sport and Developed a Philosophy of
his Essential Optimism.
The Wolverines University of Michigan
Enlargement of The Wolverines. The University of Michigan
Enlargement of The Wolverines The University of Michigan
We Can't Find any Thing Nasty to say About him
Pro Football Teams Wanted him but he Wanted to go to law School
Yale Law School
Yale Law School Photograph
Noteable Persons in Ford's Class at Yale.
Betty Bloomer ( Betty Ford )
Enlargement of Information About Betty Bloomer
Enlargement of Information About Betty Bloomer
Enlargement of Information About Betty BloomerFollowing the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Following the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Following the War Ford Returns to Grand Rapids and meets Betty Bloomer
Some Information About Ford's Service in the Navy.
Ford Aboard The Monterey in the Phillipines Sea
South Pacific Warrior
End of Duty. Decorated and Lieutenant Commander
Man of the House. Ford Wins Election to House of Representatives
and They Move to Washington
Enlargement of Man of the House.
Enlargement of Man of the House.
The Growing Family
Enlargement of The Growing Family
Enlargement of The Growing Family
Enlargement of The Growing Family
1960 Presidential Election. Nixon Verses Kennedy
Kennedy Assassinated and Lyndon B Johnson Becomes President. Johnson Will not run in 1960 and Nixon Defeats Hubert Humphrey and Becomes President.Vice President Agnew Resigns and Nixon Nominates Ford the be Vice PresidentFord's Nomination Hearings
Ford's Nomination Hearings
Ford's Nomination Hearings
This is Going to Change our Whole Lives
Enlargement of This is Going to Change our Whole Lives. Ford
Learns of the Taped Conversations and Nixon's Involvement in
The Watergate Cover up.
Enlargement of This is Going to Change our Whole Lives
Final Days
"Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
Enlargement of "Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
Enlargement of "Mr. President I Have Something to Say"
President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Enlargement of President Nixon Resigns
Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Jerry I Know You Will do a Good Job
Enlargement of Pardon
Enlargement of Pardon
Enlargement of Pardon
Choosing a New Vice President
Rockefeller Nominated as Vice President
Ford and Dole Run in 1976
Jimmy Carter Defeats Ford
Some of Ford Presidential 1976 Campaign Materials
Some of Ford Presidential 1976 Campaign Materials
Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Enlargement of Bicentennial Memories
Presidential Clemency Board
Enlargement of Presidential Clemency Board
Enlargement of Presidential Clemency Board
Actions Taken by President Ford. Debugging the White House
Actions Taken by President Ford.
Actions Taken by President Ford.Reforming the CIA
Actions Taken by President Ford.Reforming the CIA
Actions Taken by President Ford. Church Committee to Investigate Intelligence Activities.
Actions Taken by President Ford. Deregulating Oil
Actions Taken by President Ford. Aviation Act
Actions Taken by President Ford. Getting The Railroads Back on
Actions Taken by President Ford. Cutting Washington Red Tape
Actions Taken by President Ford. Need For Reform
The President Verses Congress
The President Verses Congress
Rising Unemployment
Ford to City: Drop Dead. New York City Sought Nearly 1 Billion
Dollars in Bail Out.
Following the movie you proceed to the starting point of your tour of the museum here at the entrance. And here you will see in the next photograph and the many photographs on the walls it is telling about the turbulent years of the 1970's. A period when there was tremendous revolution in national morals, dress, music and civil disobedience. My family and I lived through this period and as I will say later I personally know the impact this had on my family and I. This section takes a look at the period from a different perspective and will overlap what I have already shown you.
Begin your tour here.
The turbulent years of the 1970's. If you remember those years you know it was a time of great unrest in our country. If you don't remember those years you have no real means by which you can understand the great turmoil. The above is a brief recap of the troubles were having in the country and the following photographs give visual reminders of those days. I was on active duty in the US Air Force during all this time and I certainly know how it personally impacted me and my family. I was overseas and in New York City and Kansas City during this time. Personnel in my organization did not wear their uniforms but wore civilian cloths. As commander of the unit I had the option of wearing my uniform but in New York City I choose not to because of the hostility toward the military. Especially on the subways when going up and down the stairs it was not uncommon at all the be spit on from above as I went up or down.
I Have a DreamTimes of Radical Change in Music, Movies and The Stop The War Movement.
Times of Great Musicals, Nixon Comes on the scene and the world
gets smaller.
Times of radical changes in dances, dress and hair styles. With four daughters this made me aware of the changes more so than ever. We had many family battles about the length of dresses and skirts as well as choice of music especially paying attention to the message the songs passed along.
A Time of Explosion of Drug Usage, Radical Actions and Free Love
Styles and Demonstrations Against the Government and War and Military.
Styles and Demonstrations
Great Changes in Technology Such as The Polaroid Camera. I Still
Have Mine.
Changes in Clothing Styles and Fabrics and Colors
Great Changes in How we Played Our Music. Change Was so Fast
You Could Not Keep up With it. You Bought Something New and
Before you Hardly Learned How To Use it it Was Out of Date. Also
the Format Changed Take for Example 8 - Track did not last long.
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972 But Because of Action Prior to The Election of November 1972 The Seeds of His Downfall Were Sown.
Nixon Wins Second Term in 1972 And Shortly Later His Presidency Starts to Unravel.
The Watergate Break-in
Enlargement of The Watergate Break-in
Watergate And The White House. Nixon Accepts Responsibility But Denies Prior Knowledge.
Enlargement of Watergate And The White House. Nixon Accepts Responsibility But Denies Prior Knowledge.
One of The Tape Recorders Nixon Used to Record Conversation and Phone Calls in the Oval Office.
Evidence Revealed That All Presidential Meeting and Phone Calls
Were Recorded.
Enlargement of Evidence Revealed That All Presidential Meeting and Phone Calls Were Recorded.
The Saturday Night Massacre
Enlargement of The Saturday Night Massacre. Ford Wants Nixon to Proves His Innocence.
Enlargement of The Saturday Night Massacre. Nixon Released
Tapes to Federal Judge.
Things Get Worse as Vice President Spiro Agnew Resigns to Avoid Prosecution For Tax Evasion. Agnew was a Long Time Politician From Maryland.
Nixon Invites Ford to White House
Dad, The White House is Calling
Nixon Selects Ford as His New Vice President. See earlier discussion
of this and the following things that happened.
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
Replica of Ford's Oval Office
President Ford's Desk
Replica of Ford's/Nixon Desk
Chinese Vases
Chinese Vases
AMVETS Golden Helmet
AMVETS Golden Helmet
Space Shuttle ModelSpace Shuttle Model
USS Constitution
USS Constitution
Eagle's Prey
Eagle's Prey
Oval Office Carpet
Oval Office Carpet
Flags Used in Ford's Oval Office
Flags Used in Ford's Oval Office
Desk Pen Set
Desk Pen Set
Bronco Buster
Bronco Buster
Bronco Buster
Ford Orders Evacuation of American From Saigon
New Mood at The White House
Just a Few of The Gifts Fit For A President
Gifts Fit For A President Belong to the American People.
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
Exhibit Dedicated to Honorable L. Nicholas Ruwe
In an Area off the Cabinet Room was a Display of Naval Items.
Model of USS Wolverine IX-64. See Note Below.
Note About USS Wolverine
USS Wolverine IX-64 Aircraft Training Ship
Taking The Seas Rise of the American Aircraft Carrier
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
Nuclear Carriers
Enlargement of Nuclear Carriers
Enlargement of Nuclear Carriers
Enlargement of Nuclear Carriers
Enlargement of Nuclear Carriers
USS Nimitz CVN 68
USS Nimitz CVN 68Modern Berthing Compartment
Description of The Modern Berthing Compartment
Life Aboard a Carrier
Enlargement of Life Aboard a Carrier
Enlargement of Life Aboard a Carrier
Enlargement of Life Aboard a Carrier
Bunks on Older Carriers
Model of USS Monterey CVL-26 Light Carrier
Plaque About USS Monterey CVL-26 Light Carrier
Scale Model Shown Above Made by Raymond F. Guyette.
You might be interested in looking at my blogs covering my visits to some other Museums of President that are mentioned in this posting:
Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Yorba Linda, CA. Sept. 4. 2013.
Dwight David Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum, Abliene, Kansas, Sept 8, 2013
LBJ National Historical Park, Texas White House, LBJ Ranch Presidential Library and Museum 1/4/2014 and 1/6/2014.
JFK Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA. 7/5/2014
LBJ National Historical Park, Texas White House, LBJ Ranch Presidential Library and Museum 1/4/2014 and 1/6/2014.
JFK Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, MA. 7/5/2014
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, West Branch, Iowa, posting #1,Oct. 18, 2014 and posting # 2, Dec. 31, 2014.
I thoroughly enjoyed having Jim accompany me on this trip. Until next time remember what I always say God Loves You And So Do I.
Grandpa Bill
I am sorry about the many spelling errors ( I am sure ) but spell check is not working.
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