I am holding Carter. Top left is Dylan. Below him is Casidy and below
her is Charlie.Macie is on my left.
Four of my great grand children live on Long Island , New York and one just moved from California to Nevada. They were recently all together and I had the privilege of being there. This posting is going to be a lot of photographs with captions and not much else. I think photographs tell the best story. That being said the stage needs to be set. After I arrived the New York great grand kids and their parents all came over to my daughters house. Incidentally she is grandma or grand mother to them.We had a wonderful meal and I had gifts for the kids.
For Carter a ball that lights up and plays music and makes sounds.
For Casidy a baby doll, coloring book and crayons
The following photos are of Casidy posing for photographs
The following are of Dylan and Macie with their gifts. Macie got a
baby doll and Dylan got action Hero coloring books and crayons.
Two photos is all I could get Macie to sit still for. To much to do.
A few photos of children on the swing. They loved it. Higher higher
was their cry.
Mother Coleen holding baby Charlie and Dad Charlie
Mother Coleen holding baby Charlie and Dad Charlie
Now it is time for the stars of the show to takeover for a while. Presenting Carter from Nevada and Charlie from New York
Carter Charlie
Daniel and Parisa Howard
Relatives watch the little guys play and try to stay upright.
Four Generations. Bottom left Dylan Bottom right Casidy, Above Casidy is my daughter Joyce, Middle Great Grandpa Bill, to my right is Nicku mother of & holding Carter, to my left is Nicku's sister Parisa Howard, upper left is Charlie Father of and holding Charlie, and upper right is Bryan Father of and holding Macie.
Same as above.
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Diven /Guarneiri Four Generations. Bottom Dylan and Macie,To my left is Joyce and to my right is Charlie holding Charlie, and top is Bryan holding Macie.
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Same as above
Nicku holding Carter, Parisa and Great Grandpa Bill
Nicku holding Carter, Parisa and Great Grandpa Bill, Top left Nickus's husband Corey Bruce, and Top right is Daniel Howard Parisa's husband.
Same as above
Gifts for Carter
Gifts for Carter
In addition to all the other festive activities we got to celebrate beautiful and sweet Macie's second birthday. Look at that beautiful cake. To pretty to eat but we did.
Macie in her rain gear.
Macie in her rain gear.
Depending on the wind direction Joyce's house is under the landing or take off path for JFK airport so just about anytime you can look up and see something like this.
After today I am so full of joy and love I am just about to burst. I thank God that he has allowed me to live to see these great grand children. I know how Jan would loved to have been able to hold and love them but I know she is fully aware of what I am feeling. There are many duplicate photos but you will notice different poses and expressions especially on the kids. They have had just about enough picture taking and are ready to get on to other things. Family feel free to use any of these photos that you might want.
Remember what I always say. God Loves you and so do I.
Grandpa Bill