Today I accompanied my Daughter Joyce as she went to my Great Grandson Dylan's Day Care. They have a program where relatives and others are invited by the students to come to school and read to the class. Dylan invited his grandmother Joyce to come read "Dragons Love Tacos". We arrived and were escorted to Dylan's room and were introduced to the class. The students were either sitting on the floor or sitting in their little chairs. I was given one to sit on and after some careful lowering my stiff joints gentle down I finally made it to the seat of the little chair. Joyce introduced herself and told the children what she was going to read. She read the book holding it up so the class could see the photographs and she would often point out things in the photographs. She did a super job and the children enjoyed the story. Next we all moved to tables on the other side of the room where the children were given a frosted cup cake to eat. It was fun watching the children eat their cup cakes. Some of them very carefully removed the paper cup, others tried eating it without taking it out of the paper cup. One little girl very carefully pinched off a bit at a time. Now I saw a couple of boys that managed to get the cup cake in their mouths in two bits with their mouths very full. Joyce and I were even given a cup cake.A couple of the children (twins) were celebrating birthdays so they were given special cupcakes with a lighted candle which they blew out. Next we all went out side to a beautiful play area well supplied with toys to ride.Part of the play area is grass, part is a soft rubber like material and a smaller section is asphalt. Following a period of play the class was dismissed and the students were picked up.
Grand mother Joyce reading "Dragons Love Tacos" to Dylan's class
Great Grand Son Dylan eating a snack.
Great Grand Son Dylan eating a frosted muffin
That muffin is good
Dylan checking to see how much is left
Eating muffin
Dylan Enjoys the last bit of his muffin
Dylan playing on a slide
We took Dylan home where his other grandmother was waiting for him. I had not seen Dylan's new home and he gave me a tour. He showed me his fish and his room. We went out side and he has a beautiful yard to play in. His little sister Macie showed me her beautiful playhouse.
Dylan's beautiful new home.
Macie's Grandmother put on Macie's shoes .
Macie playing in her back yard.
Macie standing in front of her beautiful wood play house house
Macie inside her play house. An adult can stand up inside
this play house.
Grand mother Joyce inside play house with Macie.
This was a very enjoyable day visiting Dylan's nursery school, seeing Dylan and Macie's new home and their back yard which is spacious and beautiful..
Remember what I always say. God loves you and so do I.
Grandpa Bill.
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