Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." (New International Version-NIV)

Truly Gods vast creation, landscape, wildlife and man is beautiful beyond description.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Great Grand Children 21 May 2016

You will notice that the name of my blog has changed from Grandpa Bill and Lady Blue Travel  to Grandpa Bill and Lady Black Beauty Travel. Lady Blue was traded in on Lady Black Beauty but it is the same old Grandpa Bill traveling and writing about what he sees,does and feels.
Black Beauty
Sunrise East of Columbus, Ohio
At present I have five Great Grand Children. Four live on Lond Island, New York and one in Nevada. My Grand daughter who lives in Nevada decided to come visit her sister who live in New York City. This meant that all the Great Grand Children would be in the same area so I as Great Grandpa was told I need to come and visit so some four generation photographs could be make. I gladly accepted the invitation. I put Annabel my rescue dog companion in boarding and left West Chester, Ohio early morning 21 May 2016 and arrived at Joyce my daughter's home on Long Island the night of May 21, 2016. I found that two of the great grandchildren were staying with her while their parents attended a wedding in up state New York. So the fun started the first night.
 My Daughter Joyce in backgroud. Her husband Charlie feeding 
Great Grand Son Charlie and Great Grand Daughter Casidy being shy.

Great Grand Daughter Casidy still being shy.
Great Grand Daughter Casidy decides I am not such a bad guy afterall.
Great Grand Daughter Casidy putting on a show for me.
One very happy young man. Charlie 9 months.

That is about all for tonight Grandpa Bill is very tired and we have a very busy day planned tomorrow. We are going to watch a World War Two Enactment of a battle in Europe. 

Remember what I always say God loves you and so do I.

Grandpa Bill

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