Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." (New International Version-NIV)

Truly Gods vast creation, landscape, wildlife and man is beautiful beyond description.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thursday, Oct 4, Niagara Falls, New York

Greetings from Niagara Falls, New York,

I left West Chester at 5 A. M. this morning after buttoning everything up at the house. The weather was beautiful with the temperature in the low 50s. I had my favorite breakfast at Cracker Barrel about 8 A. M. Just south of Mansfield, Ohio the trees started showing beautiful fall colors. The following photographs were taken at about 9:30 A. M. at a rest stop. Interesting that when a group of gorgeous trees would come into view there was no place to get off the road and take a picture. Also, I just noticed the date and time is wrong on the camera. This photo journalism trip is not off to a very promising start
Beautiful Fall Colors
More color
I arrived at Niagara Falls at about 3 P. M. Beautiful weather. Bright sun and at the falls extremely windy In fact he wind was kicking up so much spray it was almost impossible to get a good picture of the falls because it was like being out in a rain storm. he wind was blowing directly into my face. It was comical to watch the people rush up to the railing and try to snap a picture and then scurry back to see what the picture looked like. I am going to go back out to the falls tonight after dinner because I want some photographs when the Falls are lighted. The following are a few photographs I took this afternoon. Well I guess not. The pictures are on the card but i can't seem to get them to come over to
the blog. So, I'll go eat, back out to the falls and take some more photographs and see what happens later.
Until then, Grandpa Bill from Niagara Falls. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing blog, Niagara falls is one of my favorite tourist destination place. Maid of the Mist boat ride was really adventurous experience for us and the falling view of Horseshoe waterfall from Table Rock was really magical moment.

    Niagara falls Canada Hotel
