Hello everyone. Today I toured the Kansas Cosmosphere And Space Center in Hutchinson, Kansas and it was teriffic. The center starts documenting rocket power back to the period before World War II and the development of rockets that Hitler used against England and proceeds to display the parrell course/competition between the United States and Russia in the development of rocket power and ventures into space. I spent 3 hours there and only did the museum and not any of the other exhibits. I recommend this as a top attraction if you are ever in the area. Following that I drove to Tulsa to Jamie's home and I am sitting here working on this while she is a few feet away cooking some delicious smelling supper. This may be my last posting until I get home because I will not have Internet access until I get home.
So let me remind you once more remember God loves you and so do I.
Grandpa Bill
Glad to hear you made it to Tulsa! You are more than half way home! Mount Diablo is on FIRE! 1500+ acres is ablaze. You should see it from our house at night it is scary! So many people we know have had to evacuate! You thought the hillside across the street was loud! I listened to Mark Levine at the Reagan Library on Saturday night on the way back from the picnic, he was great! Take a good rest and begin again! Love your updates!